Choreografie und Tanz: Kossi Sébastien Aholou-Wokawui
With BE-GREIFEN, Of-Curious-Nature dancer Kossi S. Aholou-Wokawui (Togo/Bremen) presents her own solo work that deals with the colonial past between Bremen and Togo. How can the ancestors, whose masks and artefacts are stored in German museums, be liberated through today's body and tell stories in dance? Aholou-Wokawui approaches this important subject in the form of physical processing through trance; with dancing depth, lightness, elegance and vehemence, he gives the forgotten their voice. The dancer combines West African and European elements in his choreography and opens a long overdue dialogue in dance.
The successful production SONGS OF LOVE AND BONES winkingly calls for the questioning of learned role models when OCN fans out multi-layered, surprising and abysmal facets of love in dance intensity to the love songs. From the springtime awakening to the dark sides of complex relationship patterns, the dancers in Helge Letonja's choreography move to evergreens and new discoveries of love songs. The expressive personalities of the ensemble in the special combination with popular music of the genres jazz, soul and pop inspire dance fans as well as all those who still want to discover the art form for themselves. In finely drawn solos and duets, fractures and vulnerabilities are exposed, longings laid bare and inwardness turned inside out. The dance becomes a dialogue between the bodies and the songs, and the individual interpretation of the dancers makes it possible to deeply experience interpersonal worlds of feeling by fanning them out.